Bird protection for solar panels
Solar panels are an investment for life. But pigeons are now causing problems by nesting below and consequently, damaging the electrical wiring. Learn how to protect your solar panels from birds roosting or resting on them.
Bird netting for the balcony or terrace
You could be out enjoying the sun on your balcony or terrace but pigeons have roosted there and are now pooping on the furniture, walls and floors.
Consequently, the outdoor space smells and is no longer enjoyable or sanitary.
DIY bird deterrents for gardens, fruit trees or a vegetable garden
If you have berry bushes, apple or peach trees, salad, tomatoes or other crops planted in your garden, you recognize the problem. Your fruits are thriving, but pigeons or magpies are there to steal your hard work.
To protect your garden from these thieves, it is important to install some fine-mesh bird netting or other DIY bird protection measures.
Bird spikes for the roof, the gutters and windowsills
Especially pigeons love to rest, nest and roost on your roof, windowsills, ledges, near or in gutters and in the chimney. This causes noise nuisance, they poop, they clog the gutters which causes leakage, they damage solar panels installed on the roof, but it could also be dangerous if you light the fireplace.
Bird control for the attic
We often get asked: are birds in the attic a problem? At first, it seems rather harmless if they found a way in and nest 'quietly'.
But their presence doesn't go unnoticed when they start chattering. Pigeons for instance aren't very hygienic, their droppings smell bad and corrode surfaces.
Birds can transmit diseases so if they infest the attic and you have to be up there regularly, you could get breathing problems, lung problems or other diseases.
Furthermore, they have to gather nest material to build the nest. For this, they use small branches, sticks, soft materials, leaves, etc. But if you have a thatching roof, they could pick it apart and cause leakage. Other birds are also notoriously known for stealing shiny items, which they keep in their nest.