Prevention against Monkeypox
Press release
Get Prevention and Protection against Monkeypox with Anticimex Disinfection Solutions
2024 Monkeypox Outbreak

On 14th August 2024, the World Health Organization declared the epidemic a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC), reports last year has cases increased significantly, and already the number of cases reported so far this year has exceeded last year’s total, with more than 15 600 cases and 537 deaths. According to the European CDC : "The size of these outbreaks could be larger than reported due to under-ascertainment and under-reporting."
Monkeypox is caused by the monkeypox virus, a member of the same family of viruses as smallpox. Contrary to the name, smaller animals such as rodents are suspected to be the natural reservoir hosts (main disease carriers) of the virus. This disease occurs mostly in remote parts of central and west African countries, primarily in tropical rainforest climates, however cases have occasionally been exported to other regions.
Monkeypox is characterised by swollen lymph nodes and a rash starting with flat red marks that become raised and firm, progressing to fill with clear fluid turning to pus and ending with crusts that dry up and fall off. Infected people will typically also have a fever, body aches and lack of energy. Symptoms usually last for 2 to 4 weeks, with severe cases occurring more commonly among children.
Historically monkeypox infections have typically resulted from animal-to-human transmission, however during an outbreak surveillance of cases and close contacts is essential to reduce the risk of human-to-human transmission. The virus can be spread by direct contact with infected humans and animals such as monkeys, rodents, and squirrels; or indirectly through exposure to large respiratory droplets, or virus-contaminated objects such as bedding and clothing. It is able to enter the body through broken skin, or mucous membranes such as the eyes, nose, or mouth.
It is always a concern when a virus changes its previously observed behavior, thus we need to ensure we act collaboratively to reduce and prevent the spread of this disease. It is recommended to avoid contact with animals that could be infected, especially those that are sick or dead. Any illness during travel or upon return should be reported immediately to a doctor, and a safe environment should be maintained through promoting good personal hygiene and ensuring appropriate infection control procedures are in place both at home and the workplace.
Any premises with suspected cases of monkeypox or concerns should ensure Disinfection Solutions and Rodent Control services are in place as part of their overall plan to prevent the spread of disease. Preventative services such as these are effective in reducing the risk of exposure to many common diseases that cause seasonal illness and minimize the impact to both work and personal lives.
Click here for the latest WHO update on the monkeypox situation.
Click here for the latest monkeypox information by CDC.
Click here for the latest monkeypox information by Wikipedia.