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What Do Seagulls Look Like?

Seagulls are medium to large birds, with sizes varying depending on the species (there are 102 known species). On average, they range from 29 cm to 76 cm in length. These birds are robust and sturdy in build.

Most seagulls are predominantly white with gray wings, though some species are entirely gray. They have a pointed yellow-red beak, often marked with black on their head and beak.

Their feet are webbed, and the young of smaller species develop their adult plumage by the age of 2, while larger species may take up to 4 years to fully mature.

Adaptability to Humans

Seagulls have shown an impressive ability to adapt to human environments and behaviors. For example, it’s not uncommon for them to snatch food directly from people’s hands or plates.

While seagulls generally won't physically attack humans, they may become aggressive if they feel threatened. If they perceive their offspring are at risk, they may swoop or dive-bomb intruders to drive them away.

Seagulls Build Their Nests on Urban Roofs

Seagulls often build their nests on roofs in urban areas, using materials like grass, twigs, and feathers. These birds typically return to the same nesting sites year after year. Large flocks are common, as seagulls tend to stay together for protection against predators.

The loud calls they use to communicate can be highly disruptive, particularly during the breeding season in the spring and summer months.

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