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When the movement and body heat of a rat is detected by the sensors, the trap is activated, immediately exterminating the rat. The trap is then automatically reset and ready for action again. The rat is flushed away by the flow in the system. No poison or bait is used and the method does not affect the normal flow in the sewer.

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Anticimex SMART Team is always ready to serve you with our 24/7 digital pest control for your home or business. Send us an email to learn more about Anticimex SMART today.


Discover SMART Devices

The Anticimex Smart system has been developed by our R&D team at the Anticimex Innovation Center, based in Denmark. The system and its devices make use of cutting-edge and unique technologies.

SMART Pipe / SMART Box / SMART Connect / SMART Catch / SMART Eye / SMART Sense

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